Answers To Typical Questions New Furry Parents Have About Pet Grooming

Once you get your first furry friend, you could be ready to do everything that you have seen other pet owners do with their pets. From running in the park to dressing your new animal up, the options are seemingly endless. But what about grooming your new pet? Do you know when you should take them to the groomers? Or when and how often do they need to be groomed? Should they only see a professional when they smell or are infested with fleas? Contrary to popular belief, going to the groomer is not as simple as brushing their fur at home. Moreover, there are several considerations that you would need to bear in mind too. Naturally, you may be confused as to what this service entails. To shed more light on what to expect, check out these answers to typical questions that new furry parents have about pet grooming.

What services are provided during pet grooming?

The first thing you should know about pet grooming services is that the range provided will differ depending on the provider. Thus, while some providers will offer comprehensive pet grooming, others may simply have a list of basic services. There are some pet grooming services that you should expect from any reputable groomer, such as a thorough wash, blow-drying the fur, trimming the hair, and cutting your animal's nails. At some pet salons, the groomer may even go as far as brushing your animal's teeth and thoroughly cleaning their ears too.

How much time will your pet take at the groomer?

Several factors will affect the duration of pet grooming services. If your animal is simply getting washed, dried, and having its fur trimmed, it could take an hour or so. However, if your pet is getting most of the services offered from a comprehensive list, the groomer may take several hours. It is also important to keep in mind that the size of your animal coupled with the length of their coat will also affect the duration of their grooming session. Lastly, the temperament of your animal may come into play, as some animals tend to be nervous during this process and will not be rushed whereas others are not fussy. You have the option of staying with your animal throughout the pet grooming, or you can leave them with the professional and pick up your furry friend once they are done.

How old should your pet be before their first pet grooming appointment?

While it is advisable to enlist grooming services every few weeks so that your pet's fur does not mat, it is inadvisable to take your animal before they have all their vaccinations. As long as your pet has received its initial round of shots, you should be able to take them for grooming since they will not contract or spread diseases to other animals.
